12 May 2018
Social Event | Golflands, Auckland
Throughout the years, we, the LGBT community, have been relentlessly fighting for basic human rights and making progress towards more inclusion.
Written by: Eugene Velasco
Special thanks to Bea Palacio Photography
Throughout the years, we, the LGBT community, have been relentlessly fighting for basic human rights and making progress towards more inclusion. International demonstrations against gender-based oppression have emerged in different countries, proper queer representation in the media is now being given more consideration, and through social media, calling out politicians to draft and enact policies that would protect and uplift the quality of life of sexual and gender minorities has never been louder.
However, many members of our family are still encountering different kinds of abuse and discrimination simply because of who we love, how we appear, and how we choose to live our lives. Homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia are very much evident in our society, exposing our queer siblings to more violence, torture, and in some places, even executions.
To give highlights to these issues, we honour May 17 as the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. In doing such, we aim to draw the attention of our community, the public, thought leaders, and those who are in power to lobby toward social and legal change that would end all inequalities that our community is still experiencing.
To show our solidarity in celebrating the said event, ProudCampaign.PH is happy to launch a series of photos, proudly exhibiting each of our members' and allies’ stand on how our adversities can actually make us stronger as a family. Drawing similarities from our unique struggles, we aim to refocus the value of this day back to its core, which is to empower our community to trample hate with love.